Friday, October 5, 2007


Have you seen this yet? DailyLit sends you books by email in installments. How cool! I am going to try reading Jane Austen's Persuasion and see how it goes. My first installment comes on Monday.

Maybe I'll even get to a movie this weekend--perhaps the Jane Austen Book Club? I haven't even seen the trailer. Will it be any good?

1 comment:

Tim said...

I think the service sounds interesting, but I don't think it's something I'd use...I like to kick back on the couch with a book, or curl up under the covers in bed and read-- a lot harder to do with a computer (even a laptop), than with a book.

I guess an exception to this bias against "soft" books is for technical books-- in that case, the "searchability" of PDF docs, etc, make them really handy.

You'll have to keep us posted on how the service goes!